While monochromatic color schemes are beautiful, it's that pop of color that brings a smile to my face! This classic mid century room is beautiful with it's tall ceiling, paneling, and large window. The color of the curtains are true to the style/era. However, I like a little more pizazz! Check out the these alternatives and the impact just a quick change in the color of the curtains can make! Which is your style? (Disclaimer: My photoshop skills need serious help!)
Original photo courtesy of DHD Architecture:
Ultimate Drama - black curtains!
Or, tone it down a little with chocolate:
Do you prefer the light and airy look? White curtains would be beautiful!
But for those that are a little more daring, check out these colors:
Vibrant red
Smart Blue
Or, my personal favorite,
Emerald Green
I'd love to hear your opinions!